| ****** Top productie.<br>Past ook heel erg in deze tijd van het jaar. |
| ****** Ik wist van te voren niet heel goed wat ik van een swing-album moest verwachten anno 2013, maar ik was aangenaam verrast door deze plaat van mr. Williams!<br><br>Hele fijne nummers die erg geinspireerd zijn op de 50s en 60s, en dat aan het einde van het jaar nog wel.. Ideaal sinterklaas/kerstcadeau en heel leuk om dan te draaien!<br><br>6 Sterren! |
| **** 12 Jahre nach seinem ersten Ausflug ins Genre kehrt er zurück - direkt von Null auf die 1.<br>Solide sein erster Versuch, souverän nun die Fortsetzung.<br>Überragend dabei seine Version "I wanna be like you". |
| ****** wooow robbie!!!<br>überraschend gelungene fortsetzung des swing-erstlings vor gut zehn jahren! meiner meinung nach reifer, interessanter, verspielter und besser!<br>robbie, bitte mach doch nur noch solche musik!<br>michael bublé und jamie cullum tun dies auch, mit erfolg! <br>mittlerweile verkauft sich das auch bei robbie besser als die 0-8-15-schnulzen und er macht es dazu auch noch lieber :-)<br> Last edited: 29.11.2013 17:07 |
| **** gut |
| *** Seine beste Zeit ist vorbei.<br>Naja, wenigstens besser als TAKE THE CROWN letztes Jahr. Last edited: 01.12.2013 10:25 |
| *** I'm not sure what to really think of this album. I'm not familiar with "swing" music, so to hear a whole album of it from one of the most popular UK musicians of recent memory was a bit bizarre.<br><br>Looking back at Robbie Williams' musical history, it turns out that this is not the first time Williams has produced a "swing" album. He created the album "Swing When You're Winning" (shortly after creating the album "Sing When You're Winning"), which I haven't listened to.<br><br>I don't think it's his "swing" music that he'll ever be remembered for, and I wonder what it is that continues to motivate Robbie to create this type of music.<br><br>I don't think I've ever heard a complete "swing" album in my life ever before, so this was a new experience for me. Now having completely heard the album, I can surmise that this probably isn't my type of music, and if I were to listen to a whole bunch of it, I'd grow tired of it very quickly.<br><br>But for now, this was alright. There's a decent range of guest stars to keep the listener going, from Lily Allen (who I don't particularly like) to Michael Buble, who never overstay their welcome. He discusses a fair amount of issues, including marriage in "Wedding Bells" to food issues in "No One Likes A Fat Pop Star". There were many other songs which I'm sure discussed various other topics, however in those cases the music seemed to overshadow the lyrical content.<br><br>After listening to this, I now wonder if we'll ever hear another great pop track from him. Because many of the songs on here are covers, which would still be easier to perform (even if it is a "swing" rendition) than creating a new pop song to take the world by storm (as seen through "Take The Crown" where no major hits came out of (I think), despite my liking of the song "Candy"), I just feel that he'll stick to this now as a method of generating money. Maybe I'm fretting too easily, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong provided the quality of the new songs are good.<br><br>I remember the days when he used to produce hit upon hit, and he'll probably never get back to those days (especially as he has failed to have a single chart here in Australia since 2009).<br><br>My highlights (if I've remembered them all) are "Where There's Muck" (with the catchy "kiss my ass" hook), "Soda Pop", "No One Likes A Fat Pop Star" and "Shine My Shoes".<br><br>I was stuck between whether to rate this 3* or 4*, and though I'd usually gives albums the benefit of the doubt, I think this is now a clear 3* for me. I just think that the worse songs on the album outweighed the better songs on the album, and therefore the rating is closest to a 3*.<br><br>3.25*. Last edited: 03.12.2013 10:03 |
| **** 1. Shine My Shoes, 4.5*<br>2. Go Gentle, 6*<br>3. I Wan'na Be Like You, 4.5*<br>4. Swing Supreme, 4*<br>5. Swing Both Ways, 4.5*<br>6. Dream A Little Dream, 5*<br>7. Soda Pop, 4.5*<br>8. Snowblind, 4*<br>9. Puttin' On The Ritz, 4*<br>10. Little Green Apples, 4.5*<br>11. Minnie The Moocher, 4*<br>12. If I Only Had A Brain, 3.5*<br>13. No One Likes A Fat Pop Star, 3*<br><br>Deluxe Edition:<br><br>14. Where There's Muck, 4.5*<br>15. 16 Tons, 4*<br>16. Wedding Bells, 2*<br><br>4.15625 = 4*<br><br>Schade Robbie. Diese Musik ist einfach nur scheisse! 4* bekommst du wegen deiner tollen Stimme und den super Sängern in den Feautres! Sonst gar nichts, ein Wunder kamst du damit auf die 1! O.o |
| **** Durchwachsenes Album, das dann gut ist, wenn er swingt oder Klassiker (wie auch seine eigenes Supreme) interpretiert. |
| ***** Robbie <3 ... Das erste Album mit den Swingsachen war aber fast besser. |
| * Wenns mit Pop nicht mehr klappt, sprechen wir halt die senioren 60+ Zielgruppe an!<br><br>Clever <br> |
| ****** Großartiges Swing-Album. |
| ****** Natürlich die Maximalnote für dieses zweite Swing-Album von Mister Williams. Ich würde es knapp hinter SWYW einordnen, da nur etwas mehr als die Hälfte der Songs wirkliche Knaller sind. Die habens dann aber wahrlich in sich.<br><br>Highlights: Go Gentle / I Wan'na Be Like You / Swings Both Ways / Soda Pop / Puttin' On The Ritz / Minnie The Moocher |
| *** Fand ich sein erstes Swing-Album noch richtig stark (5 Punkte), so gefällt mir dieser zweite Streich deutlich weniger. |
| ***** "Swing when you're winning" was al zo geweldig en ook deze ga ik weer lange tijd thuis draaien.<br> |
| * Robbie hier Robbie da!!!<br><br>Langweilig wie praktisch eh und je der meist überschätzte Sänger der Welt! Last edited: 10.06.2014 12:23 |
| **** Good swing album a genre he has done well before. Good new album from him. <br><br>13th UK top 10. <br><br>27 weeks in the UK top 100. 452,058 copies sold while #1. <br><br>9 weeks UK top 10. UK#1 (4 weeks).<br>10 weeks German top 10. Germany#1 (3 weeks).<br>Scotland#1 (1 week).<br>6 weeks Irish top 10. Ireland#2. <br>Hungary#5.<br>Greece#8.<br><br>Taiwan#11.<br>South Korea#24.<br><br>8 weeks top 10. World Chart#2.<br>World Chart Year End (2013): #98.<br><br>747,900 copies sold in the UK.<br><br>Year end (UK): #4 (13), #70 (14). Last edited: 28.06.2020 21:21 |
| * Ich habe ungefähr 30 Freundinnen, die einst HARDORE-Fans waren, doch nur 2 von denen wollen noch seine gegenwärtigen Alben kaufen.<br><br>Ich habe dieses Album gekauft, weil ich einige seiner Songs gut finde und es Teil des Amazon 5 Album-Programms war.<br><br>Ich bin enttäuscht. Robbie Williams ist nun über 40 und peinlich.<br>Die Songs plätschern nur so vor sich hin <br><br>GO GENTLY als Single ist ein Armutszeugnis |
| **** Mit viel gutem Willen zur 4 aufgerundet. |
| ****** Eins meiner Lieblingsalben von RW. |
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