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Label:Sony Music, S.a.
Entry:01/12/2013 (Position 1)
Last week in charts:30/08/2015 (Position 94)
Peak:1 (1 weeks)
Place on best of all time:273 (3800 points)
World wide:
ch  Peak: 2 / weeks: 30
de  Peak: 5 / weeks: 17
at  Peak: 2 / weeks: 19
fr  Peak: 2 / weeks: 42
nl  Peak: 2 / weeks: 100
be  Peak: 1 / weeks: 284 (Vl)
  Peak: 2 / weeks: 54 (Wa)
se  Peak: 1 / weeks: 65
fi  Peak: 2 / weeks: 22
no  Peak: 1 / weeks: 35
dk  Peak: 1 / weeks: 40
it  Peak: 2 / weeks: 93
es  Peak: 1 / weeks: 59
pt  Peak: 1 / weeks: 66
au  Peak: 1 / weeks: 18
nz  Peak: 2 / weeks: 21

Syco 88883796052

Digital Ultimate Deluxe Edition
Syco 695318295

CD Syco 88883796052 (Sony) / EAN 0888837960526
CD Syco 88883774062 (Sony) / EAN 0888837740623
Digital Syco 88644416569 (Sony) / EAN 0886444165693
1. Best Song Ever
2. Story Of My Life
3. Diana
4. Midnight Memories
5. You & I
6. Don't Forget Where You Belong
7. Strong
8. Happily
9. Right Now
10. Little Black Dress
11. Through The Dark
12. Something Great
13. Little White Lies
14. Better Than Words
The Ultimate Edition - CD Syco 88883791692 (Sony) / EAN 0888837916929
CD Syco 88883774052 (Sony) / EAN 0888837740524
1. Best Song Ever
2. Story Of My Life
3. Diana
4. Midnight Memories
5. You & I
6. Don't Forget Where You Belong
7. Strong
8. Happily
9. Right Now
10. Little Black Dress
11. Through The Dark
12. Something Great
13. Little White Lies
14. Better Than Words
15. Why Don't We Go There
16. Does He Know?
17. Alive
18. Half A Heart
The Ultimate Edition - CD Syco 88883790592 (Sony) / EAN 0888837905923
The Ultimate Edition - CD Syco 88985344132 (Sony) / EAN 0889853441327
Ultimate Deluxe Edition - Digital Syco 695318295 (Sony)

One DirectionOne Direction: Discography / Become a fan
Official Site

What Makes You Beautiful19/08/2012403
Live While We're Young07/10/2012413
One Way Or Another (Teenage Kicks)17/02/2013415
Best Song Ever28/07/2013915
Story Of My Life03/11/2013129
Midnight Memories24/11/201342
You & I01/06/2014134
Steal My Girl05/10/2014716
Ready To Run09/11/2014291
Where Do Broken Hearts Go16/11/2014391
Night Changes16/11/2014224
Fool's Gold16/11/2014501
Drag Me Down09/08/2015623
End Of The Day22/11/2015721
Love You Goodbye22/11/2015512

Up All Night12/02/20124104
Take Me Home18/11/20123101
Midnight Memories01/12/2013159
Made In The A.M.22/11/2015133
Act My Age
Another World
Back For You
Best Song Ever
Better Than Words
Change My Mind
Change Your Ticket
C'mon, C'mon
Does He Know?
Don't Forget Where You Belong
Drag Me Down
End Of The Day
Everything About You
Fool's Gold
Girl Almighty
Gotta Be You
Half A Heart
Heart Attack
Hey Angel
I Should Have Kissed You
I Want
I Want To Write You A Song
I Wish
I Would
If I Could Fly
Kiss You
Last First Kiss
Little Black Dress
Little Things
Little White Lies
Live While We're Young
Long Way Down
Love You Goodbye
Loved You First
Midnight Memories
More Than This
Na Na Na
Never Enough
Night Changes
No Control
Nobody Compares
Once In A Lifetime
One Thing
One Way Or Another (Teenage Kicks)
Over Again
Ready To Run
Right Now
Rock Me
Same Mistakes
Save You Tonight
She's Not Afraid
Something Great
Stand Up
Steal My Girl
Still The One
Stockholm Syndrome
Stole My Heart
Story Of My Life
Summer Love
Tell Me A Lie
Temporary Fix
They Don't Know About Us
Through The Dark
Up All Night
Walking In The Wind
What A Feeling
What Makes You Beautiful
Where Do Broken Hearts Go
Why Don't We Go There
Wishing On A Star (The X Factor Finalists feat. JLS & One Direction)
You & I
Live While We're Young EP
Made In The A.M.
Midnight Memories
Take Me Home
Up All Night
Up All Night + Take Me Home
Best Group Ever
The Midnight Story
Up All Night - The Live Tour
Where We Are - Live From San Siro Stadium
Average points: 3.86 (Reviews: 21)
Ein sehr gelungenes Album. Wer gut gemachte Popmusik mag und keine Scheuklappen hat sich ein "Boyband"-Album anzuhören, wird dieses Album lieben.<br>Ich finds super, so viele Highlights sind zu finden...
Not as good as their first two albums unfortunately :( Its good to see them trying to do something different but I don't really like their new sound. I understand that they're trying to incorporate more "Rock" into their music but I don't see what was wrong with their past Pop/Rock efforts like "Rock Me", which was an awesome song. I also would have liked to see them singing more ballads like "More Than This", "They Don't Know About Us" or "Irresistable". I feel as though "Midnight Memories" is missing songs like this. Plus, I think it would have been better for the group to continue collaborating with Rami Yacoub and Carl Falk on this album. They've produced (in my opinion) One Direction's best songs like "What Makes You Beautiful", "One Thing" and "Live While We're Young", so I was disappointed to see that these two producers did not have much input on this album :(
Best Song Ever: 3*<br>Story Of My Life: 5*-<br>Diana: 4*-<br>Midnight Memories: 4*-<br>You and I: 4*-<br>Don't Forget Where You Belong: 4*<br>Strong: 4*+<br>Happily: 3*<br>Right Now: 5*-<br>Little Black Dress: 3*<br>Through the Dark: 4*-<br>Something Great: 3.5*<br>Little White Lies: 4*<br>Better Than Words: 4*-<br>Durchschnitt: 3,5357...-> 4*-<br>Wens draussen Arschkalt ist, und man so Hobbylos ist wie ich, dann hört man sich immer neue Musik an, scheiss egal welche :P<br>Diesesmal wars 1D's neues Album...im grossen und ganzen gefällt es mir nicht schlecht...ich muss sagen, sie sind Erwachsener geworden mit dem Sound, ausser mit "Best Song Ever", das für mich eher zu den schwächeren Tracks gehört!<br>Meine Albumfavoriten sind "Story Of My Life" und "Right Now"...<br>Habe lange darüber nachgedacht ob ich ne abgerundete 3* oder ne aufgerundete 4* geben soll...hab mich für zweiteres Entschieden, da ich nicht immer so hart sein will und alles niedermezeln will...dafür haben wir jaa die Haters...die bald sicherlich nachrücken werden mit ihren Reviews...
Well, if there was any doubt about it (which there shouldn't be), One Direction fever has hit Australia, proven through their 3rd consecutive number-one album here and a successful string of sell-out concerts.<br><br>Having heard a few singles from the album (weren't almost all of the songs released as singles and reached #1 on iTunes at one point or another?), I decided to give this album a listen through, not expecting much, as almost every song I've heard from them haven't deviated from an exact formula.<br><br>What I got hear was exactly the same stuff I've heard from them in the past. There is nothing particularly unique about their music, lyrics and the audience they are obviously targeting, but if it keeps selling, I'm sure that One Direction and their cronies won't mind.<br><br>There's nothing particularly awful about the album, with no songs showing any identity of its own, but it never descends into the downright awfulness that has plagued previous teen artists, as groups or as solo performers. Its steady in its generic-ness, as if aware of the fact that every song on the album will be release as a single at some point, every song being radio-friendly.<br><br>It is because of this that I won't be doing a "my highlights of the album were..." for this album as there wasn't really anything that stood out or attacked me with its brilliance.<br><br>Anyway, with the One Direction juggernaut rolling on and other teen artists dropping off (namely Justin Bieber), I wouldn't be surprised if One Direction got signed on for further albums past their current contract and that all those albums would make number-one as well.<br><br>This album will probably spend a significant time in the album charts, and while I didn't hate the album and only found it to be perpetually average, I'd rather see more albums with their own sui generis identity flow through the charts than having this continuing to take up chart space like "Up All Night" did.<br><br>Sorry Directioners.
Let me just say this, this album has a fair chunk of filler on the deluxe 18-track version, but there actually isn't any *bad* songs per-se on the entire tracklist.<br><br>In fact, songs 1 through to 9 are very strong. Highlights of the album are 'Strong', 'Happily' and 'Diana'. It's a 4 star for now, maybe 5 later.
Love it!!! *-*
Per me il gruppo peggiore in circolazione. Un gruppo di bimbimik*a seguiti da bimbemink*a!<br><br>Sfornano un album all'anno... E mi meraviglio come facciano a vendere così tanto. <br><br>Per mia sfortuna, ho sentito metà di questo album, ed è già tanto che dia una stella...
1. Best Song Ever, 5*<br>2. Story Of My Life, 5.5*<br>3. Diana, 5*<br>4. Midnight Memories, 4.5*<br>5. You & I, 4*<br>6. Don't Forget Where You Belong, 4*<br>7. Strong, 4.5*<br>8. Happily, 5*<br>9. Right Now, 5*<br>10. Little Black Dress, 4.5*<br>11. Through The Dark, 5*<br>12. Something Great, 4*<br>13. Little White Lies, 4.5*<br>14. Better Than Words, 4.5*<br><br>Deluxe Edition:<br><br>15. Why Don't We Go There, 5*<br>16. Does He Know?, 5*<br>17. Alive, 5.5*<br>18. Half A Heart, 4*<br><br>4.69444 = 4.7 = 5*<br><br>Ich bin gerade ein wenig geschockt, wie hoch der Durchschnitt ist! Aber das Album ist schon nicht schlecht, es bleibt einfach nicht all zu viel hängen. Das Album des Jahres ist es auf jeden Fall nicht, da sind schon nur Katy Perry und Lady Gaga mit ihren beiden zu stark! :/ Der Durchschnitt ist so hoch wegen der Deluxe Edition, kann ich jedem entfehlen, die mit zu kaufen. Dort sind 3 richtige Highlights drauf! ;)<br><br>Album Highlights:<br>Story Of My Life<br>Alive
Een matig tot oké album van de jongens van de Amerikaanse boysband: "One Direction", uit het najaar van 2013 !!! Om héél eerlijk te zijn, ik had hier véél meer van verwacht !!! En ondertussen hebben we ook al bijna ieder nummer van het album in de Ultratop50 gehad !!! En dat gaat mijn petje toch héél wat te boven !!! Na héél wat wikken en wegen, toch best een tegenvallende score !!! Nipt voldoende: 3 sterren !!! ☺
Het prachtige nieuwe album van One Direction
Simon C's little bitches do it again... release a load of manufactured dribble....this is one act I wish that would just "F" off....<br><br>My own children hate this crap!!! So god knows who's buying this shit....brainwashed fools....hahaha<br><br>Yeah I know...a tad evil...but seriously these guys are lame too the core...
Was soll ich sagen, ich bin kein Teenie, sonst würde mir das bestimmt gut gefallen, sogar als Junge.<br>Mir gefallen ja auch die Duranies.
Best Song Ever *** **<br>Story Of My Life *** **<br>Diana *** *<br>Midnight Memories *** *<br>You & I *** *<br>Don't Forget Where You Belong *** *<br>Strong *** *<br>Happily *** **<br>Right Now *** *<br>Little Black Dress ***<br>Through The Dark *** *<br>Something Great *** *<br>Little White Lies *** *<br>Better Than Words *** *<br><br>4.14 - 4*<br><br>Mein erstes One Direction Album. Schlecht fand ich die Jungs ja eigentlich nie - im Gegenteil. Schon ihre Debut-Single fand ich als Pop-Song sehr gelungen, auch weitere Singles waren immer okay. Ich überlegte mir öfters, eines ihrer Alben zu kaufen... nun endlich war es soweit mit "Midnight Memories".<br><br>Alle bekannten Songs (z.B. Vorab-Single "Best Song Ever" oder die aktuellste Single "Story Of My Life") sind eigentlich gute Pop-Stücke, gehen schnell ins Ohr und man kann sie ohne Probleme hören. Auch die restlichen Songs des Albums entpuppten sich als solche, es gibt bis auf "Little Black Dress" kein negativ auffallender Song. Einziges Manko wäre vielleicht, dass die 13 Songs alle ähnliches Muster aufzeigen. Aber eben, schlimm ist's ja nicht, es hat halt auch einfach kein wirkliches Highlight auf der Platte.<br><br>Wie man sieht konnten sich die Jungs zudem weiterentwickeln, sind nun erwachsen. Irgendwie interessant, dass ihnen dies ohne Mühe geling während andere (*hust* Justin *hust*) dies unbedingt versuchen zu erreichen, aber kläglich daran scheitern.<br><br>Highlight: "Story Of My Life", "Best Song Ever" und "Happily"
Sülz- und Schnülzalarm. Hält das Niveau der Band.
Well it wasn't all bad for me but those last four/five tracks were quite dreary and boring and really let the album down. I think someone must have told them they need to start maturing their image and thus they must put guitars into every song, even songs that don't need it. Nothing against guitars, it's just that it's dumb when you got guitars alongside a computer generated beat for three songs in a row. Nonetheless, I didn't hate this, and the singles (particularly Story Of My Life and You & I) were actually quite good. Good effort. 3.7/6
Ganz okay
midnight memories ist das dritte Album der britisch-irischen Boyband One Direction. Es ist rockiger als die zwei Vorgänger Up All Night und Take Me Home. <br>Ich würde es jedem Empfehlen der Pop mit Rockeinflüssen mag und auch nichts gegen eine Boyband hat. Wobei ich sagen muss dass dieses Album nicht an eine typische 0815 Boygroup erinnert.
More maturity on this album but also good pop rock tracks from them also. <br><br>59 weeks in the UK top 100. 361,923 copies sold while #1. <br><br>6 weeks UK top 10. UK#1 (2 weeks). <br>7 weeks Czech Republic top 10. Czech Republic#1 (1 week).<br>Greece#1 (1 week).<br>3 weeks Hungarian top 10. Hungary#1 (1 week).<br>23 weeks Irish top 10. Ireland#1 (5 weeks).<br>Scotland#1 (4 weeks).<br>Poland#2.<br>1 week German top 10. Germany#5.<br><br>7 weeks Canadian top 10. Canada#1 (2 weeks).<br>7 weeks US top 10. US#1 (1 week). <br><br>3 weeks Japanese top 10. Japan#3.<br>Taiwan#3.<br>South Korea#15.<br><br>10 weeks top 10. World Chart#1 (2 weeks).<br>World Chart Year End (2013): #1.<br><br>964,100 copies sold in the UK.<br>1.5 million copies sold in the US.<br><br>The biggest selling boyband album of 2013 in the UK.<br><br>Re-entry:UK#13 October 2024 RIP Liam Payne
Last edited: 08.11.2024 19:09
Viele tumblr-Freundinnen von mir (aus dem Britpop-Fandom) stehen voll auf diese Bubis, kann ich absolut nicht nachvollziehen. Ich meine, „Generation Terrorists“ und hinterher der Magerquark? C'mon, das soll doch ein Witz sein... Besonders dieses Album und ihr zweites Werk tauchen ständig bei mir auf, wenn ich auf der Seite unterwegs bin, somit hatte ich über bald 5 Jahre genügend Zeit, mich mit diesen Fratzen unfreiwillig zu beschäftigen. <br>Die Scheibe hier ist noch einigermaßen akzeptabel, ich kann das ganze zumindest anhören, ohne mir die Kugel geben zu wollen. Dennoch ist es mir ein Rätsel, wie junge Frauen über 20 ernsthaft auf die Musik (und auch die Typen) abfahren können. Da gibt’s im Pop-Bereich talentiertere und auch schönere Männer. Ich halte die gemittelte 3 für fair... Auch wenn sie verdammt knapp ist. <br>Und bei aller Liebe zu einigen Kollegen hier... Die Vergleiche mit einer der besten Popbands der Achtziger ist doch nicht wirklich ernst gemeint?
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