| ****** The Other Side: 6*<br>Talk Dirty: 6*<br>Marry Me: 6*<br>Tattoo: 5*<br>Trumpets: 5*<br>Vertigo: 4* ---> 5*<br>Fire: 6*<br>Side Fx: 4* ---> 5*<br>Stupid Love: 5*<br>With The Lights On: 6*<br>Rest Of Our Life: 6<br>Bonustracks:<br>Love Before I Die: 5*<br>Perfect Timing: 5*<br>The Other Side (Acoustic): 5*<br>Album: ---> 6*<br><br>Ein sehr gutes 3. Album von Jason Derulo! Ich bin begeistert! Bei den ersten Alben haben mich nur die Singles richtig begeistert, die anderen Songs waren Durchschnittliche Kost...aber bei "Tattoos" können mich alle Songs begeistern. Ob ruhiger (Marry Me) oder doch mit ausgefallenen Songs (Talk Dirty). "Vertigo" und "Side Fx" sind die einzigen die eine 4* bekommen haben, jedoch besitzten sie starkes Grower Potenzial, besonders zweiteres...<br>Jason Derulo hat hier ein Super Album hingelegt, sein bisher bestes! Ich hoffe er hat damit Erfolg, da "Talk Dirty" im Moment in Europa ganz gut ankommt (zum Glück) denke ich könnte das zu einem Top10 oder gar Top5 Erfolg reichen! <br><br>edit: so nun haben es auch "Vertigo" und "Side FX" aufne 5* geschafft! Liegt darin dass ich nun entlich das Album in den Händen habe und hier die Quali viel besser ist :D<br>6*<br><br>Highlights:<br>1. Talk Dirty<br>2. With The Lights On<br>3. Rest Of Our Life<br> Last edited: 25.09.2013 11:14 |
| ***** buono |
| ****** geiles R&B album mit ein wenig Dance-Pop:) gute Partytracks drauf:D highlights sind The Other Side, Talk Dirty, Fire, Marry Me, und Tattoo:) |
| *** On the whole, the album is just plain average with nothing spectacular about it all.<br><br>But, if it does have one thing, it manages to have the power to have you listen through it. The songs aren't great, but you can still manage to mostly listen through it without much trouble.<br><br>The highlights of the album were "Talk Dirty" and "Stupid Love". Obviously, "Talk Dirty" was released as a single here in Australia, and is the song that stands out from the generic-ness of the rest of the songs. The saxophone solo is interesting enough, and pulls through despite a 2 Chainz rap verse which wasn't at all necessary. "Stupid Love" was quite catchy to me and I enjoyed it for what it was.<br><br>In the overall perspective of the album however, it was mostly one generic song after the other and mostly managed to avoid being insultingly bad (despite having rappers such as 2 Chainz, Pitbull and The Game who you would usually have these words associated with). But, it was not until "With The Lights On", clearly the album's worst song, where a foul taste in my mouth was left. It was all about sex and product placement and overall wasn't a very interesting so whatsoever.<br><br>Anyway, it was just an average album, seeing as the good songs were balanced out by the terrible songs, and the rest itself is just mediocre. 3* is fair enough. |
| **** Formidabel album van de 24 jarige Amerikaanse zanger, songwriter, acteur en danser: "Jason Derulo" !! Ik durf zelfs zeggen één van de beste albums die hij al heeft uitgebracht !! ☺ |
| *** Marry Me , The Other Side & Talk Dirty zijn de blikvangers van dit album! De rest is gewoon junk. Z'n eerste album blijft het beste van de 3 helaas! |
| ***** The Other Side: 5.5*<br>Talk Dirty: 6*<br>Marry Me: 5.5*<br>Tattoo: 5*<br>Trumpets: 6*<br>Vertigo: 5*<br>Fire: 6*<br>Side FX: 5*<br>Stupid Love: 4.5*<br>With The Lights On: 5*<br>Rest Of Our Life: 5*<br><br>= 5.3181 = Sehr Gute 5*<br><br>Ich finde dieses Album super. Auch sehr vielfältig, was mir besonders gefällt. :) Kann Jason nur gratulieren, die Songs drauf sind alle mit Herz gemacht und bleiben auf eine Art im Gehör hängen. :D Gute 5*<br><br>Album Highlights:<br>Talk Dirty<br>Trumpets<br>Fire Last edited: 19.04.2014 17:48 |
| **** The Other Side *** *<br>Talk Dirty *** *<br>Marry Me *** *<br>Tattoo ***<br>Trumpets ***<br>Vertigo *** *<br>Fire *** *<br>Side FX *** *<br>Stupid Love *** *<br>With The Lights On ***<br>Rest Of Our Life *** *<br><br>3.72 - 4*<br><br>"Tattoos" ist mittlerweile schon das dritte Album von Jason DeRulo. Auch dieses konnte sich bisher nur bedingt gut verkaufen und so bleibt der US-Sänger wohl eher ein Singles-Artist, was aber nicht weiter schlimm sein sollte.<br><br>Dabei beweist "Tattoos", das Jason DeRulo eigentlich mehr ist als ein Singles-Artist. Es gibt kein Song auf dem Album, welcher wirklich negativ auffallen würde. Klar, die Singles wie "Talk Dirty" stechen hervor, aber das ist nun mal bei jedem Album der Fall (wäre ja auch unlogisch nicht die besten Tracks zu veröffentlichen). Aus meiner Sicht bietet das Album zwar keine grossen Kracher, aber es gibt auch keine wirklich schlechten Songs und so ist Jason's drittes Album grundsolide.<br><br>Highlights: "Vertigo" und "Fire" Last edited: 24.11.2013 14:29 |
| *** Totally agree with KingBandicoot evaluation but I don't agree about them being the 'better' songs on the album.<br>Mine were the single 'Marry Me', the duet with Jordan Sparks 'Vertigo' and the closing track 'Rest Of Our Life.<br>Everything else was run of the mill or just plain garbage.<br>Coming into buying this I really had no expectation from Derulo and still he doesn't capture what he had upon his debut in 2010.<br><br>33/66 Last edited: 24.12.2013 09:35 |
| **** To be honest, I actually liked all of the songs (except for 'With The Lights On') in this album. Jason Derulo manages to deliver pure R&B and pop songs without messing with the formula too much. The tracks that were chosen were pretty good in pop standards and almost any of them could be a hit in the future.<br><br>I personally enjoyed 'Vertigo' the most because the sweet duet manages to work together with Jordan and Jason. I've enjoyed all of the tracks in the first half of the album but I can't explain too much.<br><br>However, there were some particular songs that I didn't enjoy like all the other tracks. 'Fire' ruined the song for me with Pitbull's usual awful verse as well as an annoying chorus and 'With The Lights On' was just trying to be 'Look At Me Now' except with the annoying bits left in.<br><br>As a whole, this album manages to start really strong but once you've heard 'Fire', you've already heard the best and you can stop listening. |
| **** Ordentlicher Durchschnitt. Last edited: 26.03.2014 |
| **** I'll give this a 4* because Vertigo is brilliant and one of the most underrated tracks of 2013, Talk Dirty is really great, and I liked The Other Side and Marry Me too. Trumpets was also good at one stage but fell away. The rest of the album is fairly average. |
| *** 4-3-3 ... keine Fußballtaktik, sondern die Formkurve seiner Alben.<br><br>Immer schön abwechselnd romantisch und sexistisch :-) |
| * Verschrikkelijk nep autotune zangertje, dat hij überhaupt nog in een albumlijst terecht komt. Gelukkig een niet al te groot succes. |
| ** So a day after posting my ten worst reviewed albums for 2013, I review this, and it's far and away the worst thing I've heard that was released in 2013. Jason Derulo is just so awful, so bad, and he tries to make up for it by singing about fat booties and sex. There is just very little talent. Bypass if at all possible. 2.1/6 |
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