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Label:Boa Music
Entry:15/09/2013 (Position 3)
Last week in charts:25/09/2016 (Position 80)
Peak:3 (1 weeks)
Place on best of all time:679 (2068 points)
World wide:
ch  Peak: 2 / weeks: 48
de  Peak: 3 / weeks: 115
at  Peak: 2 / weeks: 138
fr  Peak: 4 / weeks: 78
nl  Peak: 1 / weeks: 441
be  Peak: 1 / weeks: 385 (Vl)
  Peak: 4 / weeks: 273 (Wa)
se  Peak: 14 / weeks: 123
fi  Peak: 8 / weeks: 134
no  Peak: 5 / weeks: 144
dk  Peak: 1 / weeks: 46
it  Peak: 4 / weeks: 212
es  Peak: 3 / weeks: 72
pt  Peak: 1 / weeks: 110
au  Peak: 1 / weeks: 216
nz  Peak: 1 / weeks: 61

Domino WIGCD317

LP Limited Edition
Domino WIGLP317X

Digital Live EP Bonus Edition
Domino 775998173

Domino WIGLP317

CD Domino WIGCD317 / EAN 0887828031726
LP Domino WIGLP317 / EAN 0887828031719
Limited Edition - LP Domino WIGLP317X / EAN 0887828031733
CD Domino WIGCD317S / EAN 0887828031702
Digital Domino 88782803179 / EAN 0887828031795
Promo - CD Domino WIGCD317P
1. Do I Wanna Know?
2. R U Mine?
3. One For The Road
4. Arabella
5. I Want It All
6. No. 1 Party Anthem
7. Mad Sounds
8. Fireside
9. Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?
10. Snap Out Of It
11. Knee Socks
12. I Wanna Be Yours
Live EP Bonus Edition - Digital Domino 775998173
CD Domino WIGCD317E / EAN 0887828031757

Arctic MonkeysArctic Monkeys: Discography / Become a fan
Official Site

Star Treatment20/05/2018991
Four Out Of Five20/05/2018871

Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not05/02/20063811
Favourite Worst Nightmare29/04/2007207
Suck It And See12/06/20111019
Humbug / Suck It And See12/01/2014545
Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino20/05/2018126
Live At The Royal Albert Hall13/12/2020207
The Car30/10/2022315
505 (Live)
A Certain Romance
All My Own Stunts
American Sports
Arabella (Live)
Baby I'm Yours
Bad Woman
Big Ideas
Bigger Boys And Stolen Sweethearts
Black Treacle
Body Paint
Brick By Brick
Choo Choo
Chung Li's Spinning Bird Kick
Cigarette Smoke
Cigarette Smoker Fiona
Come Together
Crying Lightning
Curtains Close
D Is For Dangerous
Da Frame 2R
Dance Little Liar
Dancing Shoes
Dancing Shoes (The Buena Vista Sound feat. Arctic Monkeys)
Dangerous Animals
Despair In The Departure Lounge
Diamonds Are Forever
Do I Wanna Know
Do I Wanna Know?
Do Me A Favour
Don't Forget Whose Legs You're On
Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair
Evil Twin
Fake Tales Of San Francisco
Fire And The Thud
Fluorescent Adolescent
Four Out Of Five
From The Ritz To The Rubble
Golden Trunks
Hello You
Hold On, We're Going Home (Live)
I Ain't Quite Where I Think I Am
I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor
I Wanna Be Yours
I Want It All
If You Found This It's Probably Too Late
If You Were There, Beware
Jet Skis On The Moat
Joining The Dots
Knee Socks
Knock A Door Run
Leave Before The Lights Come On
Library Pictures
Love Is A Laserquest
Mad Sounds
Mardy Bum
Mr Schwartz
My Propeller
No Buses
No. 1 Party Anthem
Old Yellow Bricks
On The Run From The M15
One For The Road
One Point Perspective
Only Ones Who Know
Perfect Sense
Perhaps Vampires Is A Bit Strong But...
Piledriver Waltz
Plastic Tramp
Potion Approaching
Pretty Visitors
Put Your Dukes Up John
Put Your Dukes Up, John
R U Mine?
Reckless Serenade
Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured
Red Right Hand
Riot Van
Science Fiction
Sculptures Of Anything Goes
Secret Door
Settle For A Draw
She Looks Like Fun
She's Thunderstorms
Snap Out Of It
Space Invaders
Star Treatment
Stickin To The Floor
Still Take You Home
Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You
Suck It And See
Teddy Picker
Temptation Greets You Like Your Naughty Friend
That's Where You're Wrong
The Afternoon's Hat
The Bad Thing
The Bakery
The Blond-O-Sonic Shimmer Trap
The Car
The Death Ramps
The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala
The Jeweller's Hands
The Lovers
The Ultracheese
The View From The Afternoon
The World's First Ever Monster Truck Front Flip
There'd Better Be A Mirrorball
This House Is A Circus
Too Much To Ask
Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino
Wavin' Bye To The Train Or The Bus
What If You Were Right The First Time
When The Sun Goes Down
Who The Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys?
Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?
You Know I'm No Good
You Probably Couldn't See For The Lights But You Were Staring Straight At Me
You're So Dark
Favourite Worst Nightmare
Humbug / Suck It And See
Live At The Royal Albert Hall
Suck It And See
The Car
Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino
Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not
Who The Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys?
At The Apollo
Average points: 5.06 (Reviews: 17)
They've changed drastically and most people are happy with the change. I think they've evolved from that British indie rock sound and have changed into a more active and bluesy style. 'R U Mine?' was one of my favourite songs from 2012, so I was glad when it was included. Certainly not the only keeper on here though. 4.75
hmm, ja die haben sich ganzschön entwickelt...allerdings mag ich immernoch kein ganzes album am stück von denen durchhören. viele der songs sind einfach zu experimentell und gehen mir auf die nerven. favoriten: r u mine ; no.1 party anthem, snap out of it. die arctic monkeys bleiben eine gute band und bekommen von mir 3 punkte, weil sie mich mit diesem album überrascht haben.
Kann mich da philippkramer nur anschliessen, auch ich habe Mühe, mir ein ganzes Album von ihnen anzuhören. Zwischendurch gibts immer wieder tolle Momente, dann wieder nervige und sehr experimentielle Stücke, mit denen ich wenig bis gar nichts anfangen kann. Highlight ist für mich "Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?". Finde das Album durchaus mutig und kantig, manchmal aber etwas too much für mich!
I'd say that it's probably the best album that I've heard this year. Plenty of guitar riffs and adrenaline thrills that are able to satisfy you.<br><br>Having heard the album a few times over now, the standout remains "R U Mine?". Having been released as a lead single last year, and having been incorporated into this album, it fits very well and makes the album all the more worthwhile. It has never ceased to amaze me how much I continue to love it, a metallic merge of catchy lyrics and a rocking guitar riff that never grows old.<br><br>The album contains a lot more of the bass-y stuff, particularly the other singles "Do I Wanna Know?" and "Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?", which were worthy single choices (yes, I know, three of the best songs off the album were asking questions, I noticed too).<br><br>Another song also worthy of mention was "Arabella". Listen to the song for yourself and just enjoy the experience. If they were to release another single, it would most likely have to be this.<br><br>Other highlights also included the intriguing, yet instantly engaging "Fireside" and the bouncy pop-rock track "Snap Out Of It".<br><br>Otherwise, there were a few other ballads I didn't care much for (The Beatles-ish "No. 1 Party Anthem" didn't do much for me), but if I had to choose one, it would be "I Wanna Be Yours". A solid love ballad, with quirky lyrics ("I wanna be your vacuum cleaner, breathing in your dust, I wanna be your Ford Cortina, I won't ever rust") sampling John Cooper Clarke's poem of the same name, was a good enough way to finish off the album.<br><br>Also, keep an ear out for Josh Homme (Queens of the Stone Age) who made a contribution to this album, particularly with the song "Knee Socks" I believe.<br><br>A strong rocking effort, and very few, if any albums, will top this album this year.
Last edited: 13.09.2013 16:10
one for the road<br>do i wanna know<br>why you only call me when your high<br>sind die highlights<br>
Last edited: 26.09.2013 12:46
Wat een geweldig nieuw album van Arctic Monkeys!!
Persoonlijk hoor ik het ene nummerke al liever dan het andere nummerke van de Britse indierockband: "Arctic Monkeys" !!! Over het zangwerk van "Alex Turner" valt dan hélemaal niets verkeerds te zeggen !!! Voor de liefhebbers !!! Exact 3 sterren !!! ☺
I wasn't particularly excited about the release of this because nothing I'd heard in advance had especially excited me and didn't compare to their previous work. However this is a very slick and cool album and they've done a fantastic job. Every track is a winner and there are some very surprising delights on here. The singles I knew ahead of the album release have continued to grow on me to a point where I think they're great now and the album tracks continue to grow on me more with each listen. Excellent work.
gutes album :)
The Arctic Monkeys may have simply named the album after their initials as an homage to the Velvet Underground, but behind the minimalist title lays an excellent album. <br><br>The singles and Arabella are my favourite tracks but none of the tracks are bad.
Nothing short of perfect. And the best thing is that they're only just getting started!!
2005 habe ich jeden wütend angreifen können, der die Band gelobt hat. In der Schule war jeder fanat in diese Band. Doch das Debütalbum aus dem Jahr 2005 habe ich mir einmal hören können und dann nie wieder.<br><br><br>Doch !!!!!!!! 10 Jahre später sag ich nur Wow was ist denn das für ein cooles Album ?<br><br>Ein nahezu perfektes Album, wo jeder Song ein Kracher ist.<br><br>Ich erinnere mich an 2006, als sie gerade neu angesagt waren, damals fand ich sie überbewertet und heute ist es ganz anders<br><br>einer der besten Alben der letzten 5 Jahre und ein Meilenstein der Alternativen Rock Musik<br><br><br>In schwierigen Zeiten hat das Album gerade GOLD in den USA erreicht . <br><br>Wird vermutlich in die aktualisierte Version von ROLLING STONE Magazine 500 greatest albums of all time eingehen
Last edited: 19.05.2015 15:32
Very enjoyable album with some real stompers on here- Arctic Monkeys have matured a lot as a band and I didn't expect such strong production - I also didn't think they'd ever score an album with such broad appeal but this is it. I can see why this has had such a good chart run.<br><br>This has just grown on me so much over the past six months, it's such a good listen from start to end. No duds on here.
Last edited: 23.04.2017 09:36
Knap dat de band tot nu toe alleen maar top 10 albums uitbracht, waarvan dit de tweede nr 1 album. Terecht. Het zijn goed uitgevoerde pakkende liedjes.
Grossartiges Album mit einigen Knaller.
I really love this one
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